
Creates a ERC4337 smart wallet based on a admin account.

Smart wallets are smart contract wallets that enable multiple benefits for users:

  • Sponsor gas fees for transactions

  • Multiple owners

  • Session keys

  • Batch transactions

  • Predictable addresses

  • Programmable features

Learn more about account abstraction


Connect to a smart wallet

To connect to a smart wallet, you need to provide an admin account as the personalAccount option.

Any wallet can be used as an admin account, including an in-app wallets.

The sponsorGas option is used to enable sponsored gas for transactions automatically.

import { smartWallet, inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
import { sepolia } from "thirdweb/chains";
import { sendTransaction } from "thirdweb";
const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true, // enable sponsored transactions
// any wallet can be used as an admin account
// in this example we use an in-app wallet
const adminWallet = inAppWallet();
const personalAccount = await adminWallet.connect({
chain: sepolia,
strategy: "google",
const smartAccount = await wallet.connect({
personalAccount, // pass the admin account
// sending sponsored transactions with the smartAccount
await sendTransaction({
account: smartAccount,

Configuring the smart wallet

You can pass options to the smartWallet function to configure the smart wallet.

import { smartWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
import { sepolia } from "thirdweb/chains";
const wallet = smartWallet({
chain: sepolia,
sponsorGas: true, // enable sponsored transactions
factoryAddress: "0x...", // custom factory address
overrides: {
accountAddress: "0x...", // override account address
accountSalt: "0x...", // override account salt
entrypointAddress: "0x...", // override entrypoint address
erc20Paymaster: { ... }, // enable erc20 paymaster
bundlerUrl: "https://...", // override bundler url
paymaster: (userOp) => { ... }, // override paymaster

Refer to SmartWalletOptions for more details.



The created smart wallet.